School Wellness

  • School wellness is a concept that focuses on creating a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle. One of our goals is create and support healthy school environments, where proper nutrition, physical activity, and wellness are all valued.  On this site you will find information on what we are doing in our school's to support wellness, wellness guidelines for all grade levels, various resources for wellness, and more.

Wellness Report

  • PCS Administrative Wellness Guidelines

    Wellness Policy

    Student well-being is an obvious and legitimate concern for educators, parents and the students themselves.  It is also an issue for federal, state and local governmental bodies.  In 2004, the federal government required every school district that participates in the federal meals programs to enact a wellness policy by the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year.  Accordingly, the state of Florida directed compliance by passing Statute S.381.0056 (Florida Statutes), stating that school districts have the responsibility to “develop, implement, monitor, review and, as necessary, revise school nutrition and physical activity policies.”

    The Pinellas County Schools’ PreK-12 Health Education Office and the Food Services Department partnered to develop policy and guidelines to meet the requirement.  A comprehensive cross-functional team surveyed stakeholders on their core values related to the schools’ role in wellness promotion.  Survey results were analyzed and compared to “best practice” policies from around the nation, policy and administration guidelines were written, and through feedback loops, consensus was gained from stakeholders before submitting the final draft to the superintendent and for school board approval in 2006.  

Food and Nutrition Department


    School Meals

    All Pinellas County School students at our public schools have access to free breakfast.  Additionally, for the 2021-2022 school year, all students will also have free lunch available.
    All students may have one breakfast meal at no charge, which consists of an entrée (i.e.: either a hot menu item choice, or: a bowl of cereal, or cereal bar, with toast); a fruit choice (canned, fresh fruit, 100% juice); and a choice of milk. (PreK meals may differ).
    All students may have one lunch meal at no charge, which include one entree item consisting of protein and healthy grains, a fruit choice (canned, fresh fruit, 100% juice); a variety of fresh and cooked vegetables, and a choice of milk. (PreK meals may differ).
    ****Note: Every meal (breakfast and lunch) MUST include at least 1 fruit or 1 vegetable


    Get more information on Food and Nutrition Department.


Health Tip of the Month

  • Physical Activity January
    Physical activity strengthens your heart and lungs.
    Healthy Eating February Stay focused on low-fat choices.
    Breakfast March Start your day right . . . begin with breakfast.
    Drinking Water April Drink eight (8) glasses of water each day.
    Diabetes May Be a Diabetes Detective.
    Safety June Don't take chances . . play it safe.
    Asthma July Be aware of Asthma Aggravators.
    Fiber August Fiber is your friend.
    Fruits and Vegetables September
    Eat at Least 5 Fruits and Vegetables a Day.
    Bone Health October Keep 206 Strong Bones.
    Food Safety November Wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom.
    Portion Control December
    Know your portion size for each food group.

Youth Physical Activity

  • Being physically active is one of the most important steps to being healthy. Families, schools, and communities are an ideal setting for teaching youth how to adopt and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. These resources can help youth learn how to be physically active for a lifetime. 

    The Role of the Communities
    The Role of the Schools
    The Role of the Family